Snowbound Adventures: A Journey to Yellowstone National Park Before the COVID Storm
YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK by Naimul Karim (originally posted on ) " It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. ...". Charles Dickens might as well had anticipated my situation when he penned this famous incipit. I had just retired, and the stock market was in free fall. Besides, the global coronavirus pandemic was about to hit the USA. The abrupt change in plan had something to do with my friend Koni. On the day before our flight, as we were finishing our leisurely Sunday breakfast, he texted me. Will we be wearing masks during the trip? I wasn't planning to. But I don't take Koni's questions lightly. Being a one-time top 50 black gammon player in the country is one of many feathers he wears on his hat. By that time, masks were a rare commodity. ...